Passive House Requires High Performance Windows

Passive House (passivhaus) principles are beginning to generate a lot of interest here in Australia. These principles were formed in Germany back in 1991 by Dr Wolfgang Feist, but are now known worldwide. In order to achieve this special certification a building needs to perform exceptionally throughout the year, and require less than 15 kWh/m2/yr of energy to heat or cool.

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These ideas for high performance buildings can be summarised by 5 key points;

  1. Airtightness
  2. Thermal Insulation
  3. Thermal Bridge Free Construction
  4. High Performance Windows
  5. Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery
oknalux passive house windows

High performance windows are relatively new to Australia, but have been widely used in places like Europe for over 30 years.

Anyone who wants to achieve passive house certification must have high performance windows with u-values less than 1.5.

Oknalux is proud to service and distribute products Australia-wide, for high performance buildings and those wanting to improve their comfort inside.

Oknalux has various frame and glass options all which meet the requirements of Passive House principles. We also helped achieve Adelaide’s best performing home which meets 10 Stars (2020).

performance windows